Oct 23, 2019 | 5 min read

Momenta Partners Team at IoT Solutions World Congress in Barcelona

On October 29th-31st, Momenta Partners' Executive team will be attending the IoT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC) in Barcelona. Managing Director Ken Forster, Partner Jesse DeMesa, Ventures CTO Stephen Berard, and Principal Partner Sandra Mueller will be in attendance at the world’s largest IoT event. IOTSWC brings together industry players and IoT providers, offering enterprises an exceptional forum for exploring IoT’s vast capabilities and benefits. The event will host 16,000+ attendees from over 120 countries.

IOTSWC offers nine industry IoT tracks, including connected transportation, energy, manufacturing, AI, blockchain, infrastructure, and more. Throughout the conference, over 400 speakers will share use cases, solutions, and first-hand knowledge on Digital Industry disruption. The exhibition area will feature 300+ companies with discussions centered around digital transformation in various industries. The conference will also provide testbeds and designated networking hours and events.

On Wednesday, October 30th from 15:30 to 16:15, Ken Forster will be co-moderating the "IIOT as a Key Enabler for Business Models and Revenue Streams" session, a part of the Enabling IoT track. The panel will assess how IoT can revolutionize product and service development and sales while enhancing customer engagement. By providing examples and elaborating on their own experiences, Ken and the co-panelists will detail IoT’s ability to transform business operations and create revenue opportunities.

Also on Wednesday, October 30th from 15:30 to 16:15, Jesse DeMesa will be co-moderating the manufacturing track of the "Gain a Competitive Edge with Real-time Location Solutions" session. The panel will examine how manufacturing companies can optimize operations using real-time location systems (RTLS). Jesse and the co-panelists will present examples and discuss how manufacturing enterprises have realized short- and long-term benefits by utilizing RTLS. It is now critical for manufacturing companies to improve efficiency (e.g. factories, pricing, hiring) in order to remain competitive.

Book time to meet with Ken, Jesse, Stephen, or Sandra at IOTSWC, a can’t-miss event for global industrial companies and IoT solutions providers.


Momenta Partners encompasses leading Strategic Advisory, Talent, and Investment practices. We’re the guiding hand behind leading industrials’ IoT strategies, over 200+ IoT leadership placements, and 30+ young IoT disruptors. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about our Connected Industry practice.