Jun 18, 2019 | 8 min read

Congratulations to Our LoRaWAN Startup Challenge Winner!

After whittling down dozens of submissions from around the world to five hard-fought finalist spots,our LoRaWAN Startup Challenge has a winner.  Congratulations to the team at ConnectedFresh! 

ConnectedFresh harnesses IoT to reduce food waste and improve health safety by ensuring the storage and delivery of fresh ingredients in cold-chain environments.  The firm’s comprehensive solution solves these problems using LoRaWAN-enabled devices, a comprehensive platform with built-in data analytics tools, and professional services to help companies implement and install connected solutions.   

Their first product is Hummingbird, an active monitoring solution, meant for real time temperature reading and comprehensive alerts and notifications based on smart environmental thresholds. The second is Lumberjack, designed as a no-touch data-logging device with long lasting battery life for companies that need easy-to-use, reliable and actionable record-keeping. 

Rather than creating a technically generic solution then solving for use cases, our solution was built on a foundation of intimate experience solving the challenge of food waste in the produce industry,” says Matthias Pupillo, CEO of ConnectedFresh.  “Our plug-and-play solution mindset eases implementation without requiring digital or technical skills. Our customers enjoy the ease and completeness of solution we provide and begin to see results on day one. 



Pictured above: Lee Carter, Associate Partner with Momenta Ventures,  Matthias Pupillo, CEO of ConnectedFresh, and Ken Forster, Managing Director of Momenta Partners.


The finalists made their ultimate pitches at the  LoRa  Alliance Annual Members Meeting  in Berlin last week, aiming for the top prize of $10,000 and many other perks.  

As well as ConnectedFresh, other finalists were: 

This competition showed us the strength of the LoRaWAN ecosystem. We were excited about all 5 finalists going into the event and the judges had a tough task on their hands to choose one winner. ConnectedFresh set themselves apart by clearly articulating their product offering, its advantages over competitors, and their company background as industry practitioners 

All finalists  received a one-year Adopter membership to the LoRa Alliance and complimentary booth space at the event. 

“It was an honor to host the Momenta LoRaWAN Challenge finals during our recent  ‘LoRaWAN Live!’ event in Berlin,” said Donna Moore, CEO and Chairwoman of theLoRa  Alliance. “The finalists represented a diverse group of companies and products, which showcased the breadth of applications that are ideally suited to LoRaWAN and the momentum behind theLoRaWAN technology.” She added she was “proud to welcome all of the finalists into the LoRa Alliance ecosystem” and directly congratulated ConnectedFresh. “We’re excited to see what’s next for your team.” 

The LoRaWAN challenge was a great opportunity to showcase our company on a global scale,” said Matthias Pupillo of ConnectedFresh. “There was stiff competition and I was honored by the judges selection. It was proof of our solid foundation as a startup, and we appreciate the recognition and support of the LoRaWAN community. 



About Momenta Ventures:  Momenta Ventures is the investment arm of Momenta Partners, Connected Industry Growth Partners, with industry-leading Strategic Advisory, Executive Search, and Investment practices, accelerating the growth of Connected Industry companies globally since 2012. For more information, visit   momenta.partners, join the @MomentaPartners conversation or contact  info@momenta.partners