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Momenta Partners Industry News - Curated top stories

LPWAN adoption forecast to grow 2.5X faster than the market

A study from ON World, forecasts that by 2022, there will be 7 billion Internet-connected wireless sensing, tracking and control devices using technology such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). As wireless sensor networks (WSNs) integrate with cloud services, most devices will short-range radio, but low-power wide area network (LPWAN) technologies will increase 2.5X faster.

Identifying the top IoT

A recent publication by Parallel North IP has identified the top 5,000 US inventors in the IoT space. This list represents those individuals who have the highest number of US patents and applications within IoT during the two last decades. The IoT study analyzed a database of 739,838 US Patents and Applications with a total number of 1,141,956 named inventors.

Verizon study sees IoT adoption still proceeding slowly

Verizon released a new State of the Market IoT report. According to Verizon’s survey, top IoT deployment objectives for enterprises are customer service (33%), management of assets (26%), and production and delivery capabilities (25%). The report found that most enterprise IoT projects are still in the proof-of-concept phase, not in production. Companies are constrained by long capital cycles, organizational inertia and a shortage of talented staff to develop and deploy IoT.

Vodaphone 2017 Internet Report shows encouraging IoT adoption

Five years ago, 12% of organizations had launched IoT projects that ranged from improving asset management to vehicle tracking. Five years later, adoption now stands at 29%, with IoT technologies and devices sitting at the heart of business transformation.  IoT initiatives are capturing greater share of spending, now representing 24% of global IT budgets, similar to cloud and hosting (23%) and analytics (22%).  Early adopters are generating revenue on IoT initiatives, with 63% saying they are seeing significant return on their investment, up from 59% in 2015

The emerging business imperative: Finding, cultivating and retaining next-generation leaders

What are today's C-suite leaders looking for in the next generation of executive talent? What are the top – priorities for developingnext-gen leaders? Over 850 executives from around the world contributed to this report.

Dell Technologies
unveils new IoT strategy
in New York

Dell Technologies this week unveiled its Internet of Things vision and strategy a new IoT division as well as new IoT specific products, labs, partner program and consumption models.

Momenta Partners Insights - In-depth perspective and interviews

Ryley MacKenzie of LTE startup Expeto shares the distinctions between an overlay network and an “underlay” network in our Insight Vector: Using underlay networks to securely connect global enterprise IoT assets

Verizon’s IoT Practice Leader Faraz Shafiq explains how to overcome the ROI challenges for enterprise IoT and how in the IoT adoption considerations differ from small to larger firms in a two-part interview.

ThingStream’s Neil Hamilton, VP of Business Development for Thingstream, highlighted the unique advantages of the ubiquitous, but little known USSD messaging technology during this month’s Insight Vector: Leveraging the untapped promise of USSD to connect the Internet of Things 

Investing in the Connected Industry differs from traditional VC investing - “Financing corporate innovation - Moving beyond money”.



Momenta Partners Ventures - News from our Connected Industry portfolio

Expeto Wireless, a Canadian startup enabling the provisioning of private LTE networks and re-inventing how enterprises connect and manage IoT devices, is in final discussions for an additional closing of its seed round due to continued investor interest. The extension will allow the company to accelerate its growth plan and capitalize on the strong commercial momentum.


FreeWire Technologies, a Californian maker of mobile, green-powered genset and EV charging units has announced Stanley Black&Decker is leading its Series A round. The round will allow FreeWire to mass produce and meet increasing demand for the product. The company just opened a new office and engineering space in San Leandro (CA) and was recently recognized as approved government vendor in the State of Washington.



Soofa, a Cambridge MA based maker of smart city infrastructure, has launched the Soofa Sign, a self-powered smart display running applications for real time community content, transit information, advertising and more.


Litmus Automation, a leading Industrial IoT platform provider with headquarters in Canada and Silicon Valley, has been selected as one of the most innovative technology companies in Canada, earning a spot on the Canadian Innovation Exchange (CIX) Top 20 list for 2017. The CIX Top 20 program is Canada’s largest national showcase of the hottest and most innovative emerging tech companies.


Parquery, a Swiss smart mobility startup and Momenta Portfolio Company, was selected as one of the three finalists among participants from 19 countries for the Elisa Innovation Challenge. Selected solutions will have the opportunity to partner with Elisa, a leading Finnish telecommunications, ICT and online service company serving 2.3 million consumer, corporate and public administration customers.

Parquery was also mentioned as a leading solution in the article Robots of the future will have Swiss eyes in ICTjournal.


Deere acquiring Blue River for $305M.  

The maker of John Deere agricultural equipment said on Wednesday that it's acquiring robotics start-up Blue River Technology for $305 million.

Trimble (TRMB) has announced the completed acquisition of 10-4 Systems for an undisclosed amount. 

TechCrunch, September 18,

BCG's 2017 M&A Report provides an analysis of the tech M&A marketplace revealing that high-tech deals represented almost 30% of the total $2.5 trillion of completed M&A transactions in 2016 with around  70% of all tech deals in 2017 involving buyers from outside the tech sector.

Schneider Electric

Schneider Electric strengthens its executive product security team following a retained search by Momenta Partners.

Oden Technologies

Oden Technologies, a high growth IIoT hardware and software solutions company retains Momenta Partners to appoint a VP Sales.


SAP announces Leonardo platform and secures top IoT leadership following a retained search by Momenta Partners.

C3 IoT

C3 IoT continues global expansion as Momenta Partners places a VP Sales UK & Ireland.


Join us December 7th for a Webinar focused on Blockchain technologies and relevance for the Industrial Internet of Things. Insights Partner Ed Maguire will host the webinar, which will feature guests including a Blockchain Industry expert from a major technology company (TBC), Lou Kerner, Partner with FlighVC, and a representative from, creater of the Tangle protocol. The webinar will cover the current industry landscape, key use cases and provide a look at the IOTA technology, which was developed to provide speed and scalability necessary to support industrial IoT use cases.

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Momenta Partners - Connected Industry Growth Partners